Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


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    • ph.
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    • 1. (指某事物開始的時間或日期)從...起 As from next Monday you can use my office. 從下星期一起, 你可以使用我的辦公室。
    • ph.
      把...當作是 First-generation Americans view the United States as a land of golden opportunity. 第一代的美國人把美國當作充滿機會的土地。
    • ph.
      至於, 說到 I could stay for one day or two days, but as for staying for a week, it would be out of the question. 我可能停留一兩天, 至於耽擱一星期之久, 那是不可能的。 As for my past, I'm not telling you anything. 關於我的過去, 我什麼都不會告訴你。
    • ph.
      把...當作...而不再去想 I dismissed their ridicule as a ridiculous thing. 我把他們的嘲笑當做可笑的事而已。
    • ph.
      視為 He treated my words as a joke. 他把我的話當玩笑。
    • ph.
      把...當作 Am I to take this flimsy excuse as the reason for your absence for three days? 你要我相信這個薄弱的藉口就是你缺席三天的理由? Such a gift should be taken as a form of compliment. 這樣的禮物應被當作是一種恭維的形式。
    • ph.
      儘管; 雖然 Much as I would like to stay, I really must go home. 我倒是很願意呆在這兒, 可確實得回家了。
    • ph.
      有...的效果; 當作...用 This behavior merely serves as another example of her lack of consideration. 這個行為只是她不體貼的另一例證。 (這個行為有了說明她不為他人著想的效果。) The picture will serve as a valuable reminder of the dangers involved. 在提醒人們這件事涉及的危險上, 那張照片有極大的效果。
    • ph.
      視...為... He is generally regarded as one of the best students in the class. 大家都認為他是班上最好的學生之一。
    • ph.
      同樣地, 同等程度地 Please help me get this job -- you know I would do as much for you. 請幫我謀得這份工作--你知道我為你也能這樣做。 That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那無異於說我撒謊。
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