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  1. Aquarius

    • IPA[əˈkwerēəs]


    • a large constellation (the Water Carrier or Water Bearer), said to represent a man pouring water from a jar. It contains no bright stars but has several planetary nebulae.;the eleventh sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about January 21.
    • n.
      a person born when the sun is in the sign of Aquarius.
    • adj.
      used with preceding Greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation Aquarius
    • 釋義
    • 片語

    • 1. a large constellation (the Water Carrier or Water Bearer), said to represent a man pouring water from a jar. It contains no bright stars but has several planetary nebulae.
    • 2. the eleventh sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about January 21.


    • 1. a person born when the sun is in the sign of Aquarius.


    • 1. used with preceding Greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation Aquarius the star Alpha Aquarii