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  1. Creole

    • IPA[ˈkriːəʊl]


    • n.
      a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.;a descendant of Spanish or other European settlers in the Caribbean or Central or South America.
    • adj.
      relating to a Creole or Creoles
    • noun: Creole, plural noun: Creoles

    • 釋義


    • 1. a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.
    • a descendant of Spanish or other European settlers in the Caribbean or Central or South America.
    • a white descendant of French settlers in Louisiana and other parts of the southern US.
    • 2. a mother tongue formed from the contact of a European language (especially English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese) with local languages (especially African languages spoken by slaves in the West Indies) a Portuguese-based Creole


    • 1. relating to a Creole or Creoles a restaurant serving both international and Creole cuisine research on pidgin and Creole languages