Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. Egyptian

    • IPA[ɪˈdʒɪpʃn]


    • adj.
      relating to Egypt or its people.;relating to the culture or language of ancient Egypt
    • n.
      a native of ancient or modern Egypt, or a person of Egyptian descent.;the Afro-Asiatic language used in ancient Egypt, attested from c. 3000 bc. It is represented in its oldest stages by hieroglyphic inscriptions and in its latest form by Coptic; it has been replaced in modern use by Arabic.
    • noun: Egyptian, plural noun: Egyptians

    • 釋義


    • 1. relating to Egypt or its people.
    • relating to the culture or language of ancient Egypt an Egyptian obelisk


    • 1. a native of ancient or modern Egypt, or a person of Egyptian descent.
    • 2. the Afro-Asiatic language used in ancient Egypt, attested from c. 3000 bc. It is represented in its oldest stages by hieroglyphic inscriptions and in its latest form by Coptic; it has been replaced in modern use by Arabic.