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  1. bark

    • IPA[bɑːk]


    • n.
      the tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub;bark used for tanning leather, making dyestuffs, or as a mulch in gardening
    • v.
      strip the bark from (a tree or piece of wood);scrape the skin off (one's shin) by accidentally hitting it against something hard
    • verb: bark, 3rd person present: barks, gerund or present participle: barking, past tense: barked, past participle: barked

    • noun: bark

    • 釋義


    • 1. the tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub beavers feed on leaves and the living bark of trees
    • bark used for tanning leather, making dyestuffs, or as a mulch in gardening top-dress lime-hating shrubs with bark
    • 2. thin sheets of chocolate topped with ingredients such as nuts, confectionery, and dried fruit and broken into irregularly shaped pieces white chocolate bark studded with cranberries and pistachios


    • 1. British strip the bark from (a tree or piece of wood) they had to be barked by hand, you couldn't peel them the way you can newly cut wood
    • scrape the skin off (one's shin) by accidentally hitting it against something hard it's pitch black—I barked my shin and took a tumble in a nettle bed
    • 2. technical tan or dye (leather or other materials) using the tannins found in bark.