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  1. buckle

    • IPA[ˈbək(ə)l]


    • n.
      a flat, typically rectangular frame with a hinged pin, used for joining the ends of a belt or strap;a similarly shaped ornament on a shoe
    • v.
      fasten with a buckle;bend and give way under a weight or force
    • verb: buckle, 3rd person present: buckles, gerund or present participle: buckling, past tense: buckled, past participle: buckled

    • noun: buckle, plural noun: buckles

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. a flat, typically rectangular frame with a hinged pin, used for joining the ends of a belt or strap most rucksacks have quick release buckles a belt buckle
    • a similarly shaped ornament on a shoe black shoes with ornate buckles
    • 2. North American a cake made with fruit (typically blueberries) and having a streusel topping finish off the meal with a blueberry buckle for dessert
