Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. lob ball

    • n.
      (in sports) a ball thrown or hit in a high arc.;a variety of softball in which the ball is pitched underarm and must travel in an arc before reaching the batter
    • noun: lob ball, plural noun: lob balls

    • 釋義


    • 1. (in sports) a ball thrown or hit in a high arc.
    • a variety of softball in which the ball is pitched underarm and must travel in an arc before reaching the batter he was an avid fan of sports, playing lob ball at the Riverside sports club
    • (typically in a political context) a question that is easy to answer, especially one that is asked in order to make the respondent appear competent it wasn't a gotcha question, it was kind of a lob ball they threw him the most obsequious of lob ball questions