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  1. spider

    • IPA[ˈspʌɪdə]


    • n.
      an eight-legged predatory arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting of a fused head and thorax and a rounded abdomen. Spiders have fangs that inject venom into their prey, and most kinds spin webs in which to capture insects.;used in names of arachnids similar or related to spiders, e.g. sea spider, sun spider.
    • v.
      move in a scuttling manner suggestive of a spider;form a pattern suggestive of a spider or its web
    • verb: spider, 3rd person present: spiders, gerund or present participle: spidering, past tense: spidered, past participle: spidered

    • noun: spider, plural noun: spiders

    • 釋義


    • 1. an eight-legged predatory arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting of a fused head and thorax and a rounded abdomen. Spiders have fangs that inject venom into their prey, and most kinds spin webs in which to capture insects.
    • used in names of arachnids similar or related to spiders, e.g. sea spider, sun spider.
    • 2. an object resembling a spider, especially one having numerous or prominent legs or radiating spokes.
    • British a set of radiating elastic ties used to hold a load in place on a vehicle.
    • a long-legged rest for a billiard cue that can be placed over a ball without touching it.
    • 3. another term for crawler


    • 1. move in a scuttling manner suggestive of a spider a treecreeper spidered head first down the tree trunk
    • form a pattern suggestive of a spider or its web a system of tunnels spider through the district
    • 2. another term for crawl