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  1. tuft

    • IPA[tʌft]


    • n.
      a bunch or collection of threads, grass, hair, etc., held or growing together at the base;a bunch of small blood vessels, respiratory tentacles, or other small anatomical structures.
    • v.
      provide with a tuft or tufts;strengthen (upholstery) by passing a cluster of threads through the material, so making depressions at regular intervals.
    • verb: tuft, 3rd person present: tufts, gerund or present participle: tufting, past tense: tufted, past participle: tufted

    • 釋義


    • 1. a bunch or collection of threads, grass, hair, etc., held or growing together at the base scrubby tufts of grass
    • a bunch of small blood vessels, respiratory tentacles, or other small anatomical structures.


    • 1. provide with a tuft or tufts the fringe can be tasselled or tufted
    • 2. strengthen (upholstery) by passing a cluster of threads through the material, so making depressions at regular intervals.