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  1. dislike

    • IPA[dɪsˈlʌɪk]


    • v.
      feel distaste for or hostility towards
    • n.
      a feeling of distaste or hostility;a thing to which one feels aversion
    • verb: dislike, 3rd person present: dislikes, gerund or present participle: disliking, past tense: disliked, past participle: disliked

    • noun: dislike, plural noun: dislikes

    • 釋義


    • 1. feel distaste for or hostility towards she disliked any kind of unnecessary rudeness


    • 1. a feeling of distaste or hostility they had taken a dislike to each other despite her dislike of publicity, she was quite a celebrated figure
    • a thing to which one feels aversion I know all his likes and dislikes
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[disˈlīk]


    • v.
      feel distaste for or hostility toward: he was not distressed by the death of a man he had always disliked
    • n.
      a feeling of distaste or hostility: they had taken a dislike to each other despite her dislike of publicity, she was quite a celebrated figure

    Oxford American Dictionary