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  1. barbarism

    • IPA[ˈbɑːbərɪz(ə)m]


    • n.
      absence of culture and civilization;a word or expression which is badly formed according to traditional philological rules, e.g. a word formed from elements of different languages, such as breathalyser (English and Greek) or television (Greek and Latin).
    • noun: barbarism, plural noun: barbarisms

    • 釋義


    • 1. absence of culture and civilization the collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism
    • a word or expression which is badly formed according to traditional philological rules, e.g. a word formed from elements of different languages, such as breathalyser (English and Greek) or television (Greek and Latin).
    • 2. extreme cruelty or brutality she called the execution an act of barbarism
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈbärbəˌrizəm]


    • n.
      absence of culture and civilization: the collapse of civilization and the return to barbarism

    Oxford American Dictionary