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  1. mainstream

    • IPA[ˈmānˌstrēm]


    • n.
      the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts;jazz that is neither traditional nor modern, based on the 1930s swing style and consisting especially of solo improvisation on chord sequences
    • adj.
      belonging to or characteristic of the mainstream;(of a school or class) for students without particular educational requirements arising from physical or intellectual disability or behavioral difficulties
    • v.
      start to treat or regard (something) as being mainstream;place (a student with particular educational needs) into a mainstream class or school
    • verb: mainstream, 3rd person present: mainstreams, gerund or present participle: mainstreaming, past tense: mainstreamed, past participle: mainstreamed

    • noun: mainstream, plural noun: mainstream jazzes

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts companies that are bringing computers to the mainstream of American life
    • jazz that is neither traditional nor modern, based on the 1930s swing style and consisting especially of solo improvisation on chord sequences it was a form of jazz that had strayed away from the mainstream


    • 1. belonging to or characteristic of the mainstream mainstream pop music a mixture of mainstream and avant-garde artists
    • (of a school or class) for students without particular educational requirements arising from physical or intellectual disability or behavioral difficulties the state government has supported greater integration of students with disabilities into mainstream schools


    • 1. start to treat or regard (something) as being mainstream vegetarianism has been mainstreamed
    • place (a student with particular educational needs) into a mainstream class or school the goal is to have the child mainstreamed into a regular classroom
    • n.
      traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlets: the mainstream media doesn't always cover these issues

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlets: the mainstream media doesn't always cover these issues

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈmeɪnstriːm]


    • n.
      the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or ... they withdrew from the mainstream of European politics
    • adj.
      belonging to or characteristic of the mainstream: mainstream pop music
    • v.
      start to treat or regard (something) as being mainstream: vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

    Oxford Dictionary