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  1. stay-at-home

    • IPA[ˈstāətˌ(h)ōm]


    • adj.
      denoting a parent who is engaged in the full-time care of their child or children and is not employed outside the home;preferring to be at home rather than to travel or socialize
    • n.
      a person who prefers to be at home
    • 釋義


    • 1. denoting a parent who is engaged in the full-time care of their child or children and is not employed outside the home I know lots of working moms and lots of stay-at-home moms he was primarily raised by his stay-at-home father
    • preferring to be at home rather than to travel or socialize a quiet stay-at-home guy
    • 2. denoting a government directive requiring people to remain at home and only go outside for certain types of essential work or tasks, especially in order to inhibit the spread of an infectious disease to contain the disease, countries were forced to institute measures including stay-at-home orders and border closings those caught breaching social distancing and stay-at-home measures face on-the-spot fines


    • 1. a person who prefers to be at home her son was a real stay-at-home
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈsteɪət(h)əʊm]


    • adj.
      denoting a parent who is engaged in the full-time care of their child or children and is not ... I know lots of working mums and lots of stay-at-home mums he was primarily raised by his stay-at-home father
    • n.
      a person who prefers to be at home: her son was a real stay-at-home

    Oxford Dictionary