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  1. twang

    • IPA[twaŋ]


    • n.
      a strong ringing sound such as that made by the plucked string of a musical instrument or a released bowstring;a nasal or other distinctive manner of pronunciation or intonation characteristic of the speech of an individual, area, or country
    • v.
      make or cause to make a twang;utter (something) with a nasal twang
    • verb: twang, 3rd person present: twangs, gerund or present participle: twanging, past tense: twanged, past participle: twanged

    • noun: twang, plural noun: twangs

    • 釋義


    • 1. a strong ringing sound such as that made by the plucked string of a musical instrument or a released bowstring there was a twang from Marian's bow the twang of snapping metal
    • 2. a nasal or other distinctive manner of pronunciation or intonation characteristic of the speech of an individual, area, or country an American twang


    • 1. make or cause to make a twang a spring twanged beneath him some old men were twanging banjos
    • 2. utter (something) with a nasal twang the announcer was twanging out all the details
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[twaNG]


    • n.
      a strong ringing sound such as that made by the plucked string of a musical instrument or a ...
    • v.
      make or cause to make a twang: a spring twanged beneath him some old men were twanging banjos

    Oxford American Dictionary