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  1. Xerox

    • IPA[ˈzɪərɒks]


    • n.
      a xerographic copying process;a copy made using the Xerox process.
    • v.
      copy (a document) by the Xerox process
    • verb: xerox, 3rd person present: xeroxes, gerund or present participle: xeroxing, past tense: xeroxed, past participle: xeroxed

    • noun: Xerox, plural noun: Xeroxes

    • 釋義


    • 1. trademark a xerographic copying process printing methods include acrylic printing and colour Xerox a Xerox machine
    • trademark a copy made using the Xerox process.
    • trademark a machine for copying by xerography.


    • 1. copy (a document) by the Xerox process I shall have the typescript xeroxed today a xeroxed newspaper article
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈziˌräks]


    • n.
      a xerographic copying process: printing methods include acrylic printing and color Xerox a Xerox machine
    • v.
      copy (a document) using a xerographic process: I shall have the typescript xeroxed today a xeroxed newspaper article

    Oxford American Dictionary