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  1. Aurignacian

    • IPA[ˌôrəˈɡnāSHən]


    • adj.
      relating to or denoting the early stages of the Upper Paleolithic culture in Europe and the Near East. It is dated in most places to about 34,000–29,000 years ago, and is associated with Cro-Magnon Man
    • n.
      the early period of the Upper Paleolithic culture in Europe and the Near East
    • 釋義


    • 1. relating to or denoting the early stages of the Upper Paleolithic culture in Europe and the Near East. It is dated in most places to about 34,000–29,000 years ago, and is associated with Cro-Magnon Man most of the finds depict animals and date from the Aurignacian period


    • 1. the early period of the Upper Paleolithic culture in Europe and the Near East they derived from the time period of the middle to late Aurignacian of Central Europe
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    • IPA[ˌɔːrɪˈnjeɪʃ(ə)n]


    • adj.
      relating to or denoting the early stages of the Upper Palaeolithic culture in Europe and the ... most of the finds depict animals and date from the Aurignacian period
    • n.
      the early period of the Upper Palaeolithic culture in Europe and the Near East: they derived from the time period of the middle to late Aurignacian of Central Europe

    Oxford Dictionary