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  1. chaplaincy

    • IPA[ˈCHaplənsē]


    • n.
      the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, branch of the armed forces, etc.;the place where a chaplain works
    • noun: chaplaincy, plural noun: chaplaincies

    • 釋義


    • 1. the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, branch of the armed forces, etc. he has held a number of school chaplaincies Father Francis spoke about the difficulties of hospital chaplaincy
    • the place where a chaplain works we went to the university chaplaincy
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    • IPA[ˈtʃaplɪnsi]


    • n.
      the office or position of a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ... he has held a number of school chaplaincies Father Francis spoke about the difficulties of hospital chaplaincy

    Oxford Dictionary