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  1. mermaid

    • IPA[ˈməːmeɪd]


    • n.
      a mythical sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish, conventionally depicted as beautiful and with long flowing golden hair.
    • noun: mermaid, plural noun: mermaids

    • 相關詞
    • plural
      small rounded fragments of glass or plastic found in the sea or washed up on a beach: environmentalists are warning that mermaid tears are putting animals at risk as well as damaging the natural beauty of the coastline

    Oxford Dictionary

    • plural
      small rounded fragments of glass or plastic found in the sea or washed up on a beach: environmentalists are warning that mermaid tears are putting animals at risk as well as damaging the natural beauty of the coastline

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the horny egg case of a skate, ray, or small shark.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the horny egg case of a skate, ray, or small shark.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈmərˌmād]


    • n.
      a fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the ...

    Oxford American Dictionary