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  1. reduplicate

    • IPA[rɪˈdjuːplɪkeɪt]


    • v.
      repeat or copy so as to form another of the same kind;repeat (a syllable or other linguistic element) exactly or with a slight change (e.g. hurly-burly, see-saw).
    • verb: reduplicate, 3rd person present: reduplicates, gerund or present participle: reduplicating, past tense: reduplicated, past participle: reduplicated

    • 釋義


    • 1. repeat or copy so as to form another of the same kind the upper parts of the harmony may be reduplicated at the octave above
    • repeat (a syllable or other linguistic element) exactly or with a slight change (e.g. hurly-burly, see-saw).
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[rēˈdo͞opləˌkāt]


    • v.
      repeat or copy so as to form another of the same kind: the upper parts of the harmony may be reduplicated at the octave above

    Oxford American Dictionary