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  1. riser

    • IPA[ˈrīzər]


    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed at a particular time of the morning;a vertical section between the treads of a staircase
    • noun: riser, plural noun: risers

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    • 1. a person who habitually gets out of bed at a particular time of the morning late risers always exasperate early risers
    • 2. a vertical section between the treads of a staircase make risers low and treads deep
    • 3. a vertical pipe for the upward flow of liquid or gas this pressure carries water through the risers to the upper floors the main gas riser there was relocated
    • 4. a low platform on a stage or in an auditorium, used to give greater prominence to a speaker or performer he fell backwards off the riser half a drum riser collapsed during my solo
    • 5. a strip of webbing joining the harness and the rigging lines of a parachute or paraglider constantly adjust the risers to keep the wing overhead
    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed later than is usual: she had always been a late riser

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed earlier than is usual: good thing I'm an early riser or else I'd probably miss the beginning of school

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed later than is usual: she had always been a late riser

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed earlier than is usual: good thing I'm an early riser or else I'd probably miss the beginning of school

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈrʌɪzə]


    • n.
      a person who habitually gets out of bed at a particular time of the morning: late risers always exasperate early risers

    Oxford Dictionary