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  1. bifurcate

    • v.
      divide into two branches or forks
    • adj.
      forked; branched
    • verb: bifurcate, 3rd person present: bifurcates, gerund or present participle: bifurcating, past tense: bifurcated, past participle: bifurcated

    • 釋義


    • 1. divide into two branches or forks just below Cairo the river bifurcates the trail was bifurcated by a mountain stream


    • 1. forked; branched a bifurcate tree
    • 更多解釋
    • v.
      divide into two branches or forks: just below Cairo the river bifurcates the trail was bifurcated by a mountain stream
    • adj.
      divided into two branches or forks: a bifurcate tree

    Oxford Dictionary