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  1. marshmallow

    • IPA[ˈmärSHˌmelō]


    • n.
      a soft, chewy confection made with sugar and gelatin;a tall pink-flowered European plant that grows in brackish marshes. The roots were formerly used to make marshmallow, and it is sometimes cultivated for medicinal use.
    • noun: marshmallow, plural noun: marshmallows

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    • 1. a soft, chewy confection made with sugar and gelatin toasting marshmallows over a campfire chocolate-covered marshmallow cookies
    • 2. a tall pink-flowered European plant that grows in brackish marshes. The roots were formerly used to make marshmallow, and it is sometimes cultivated for medicinal use.
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    • IPA[ˌmɑːʃˈmaləʊ]


    • n.
      a soft, chewy item of confectionery made with sugar and gelatin: toasting marshmallows over a campfire chocolate-covered marshmallow cookies

    Oxford Dictionary