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  1. modus vivendi

    • IPA[ˈmōdəs vəˈvendē]


    • n.
      an arrangement or agreement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully, either indefinitely or until a final settlement is reached;a way of living
    • noun: modus vivendi, plural noun: modi vivendi

    • 釋義


    • 1. an arrangement or agreement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully, either indefinitely or until a final settlement is reached the two states have with difficulty reached a modus vivendi, though hardly friendship
    • a way of living the Christian faith and its implications for a modus vivendi
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˌməʊdəs vɪˈvɛndiː]


    • n.
      an arrangement or agreement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully, either ... the two states have with difficulty reached a modus vivendi, though hardly friendship

    Oxford Dictionary