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  1. nichrome

    • IPA[ˈnʌɪkrəʊm]


    • n.
      an alloy of nickel with chromium (10 to 20 per cent) and sometimes iron (up to 25 per cent), used chiefly in high-temperature applications such as electrical heating elements
    • noun: nichrome, plural noun: nichromes

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    • 1. trademark an alloy of nickel with chromium (10 to 20 per cent) and sometimes iron (up to 25 per cent), used chiefly in high-temperature applications such as electrical heating elements Nichrome wire
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    • IPA[ˈnīˌkrōm]


    • n.
      an alloy of nickel with chromium (10 to 20 percent) and sometimes iron (up to 25 percent), used ... Nichrome wire

    Oxford American Dictionary