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  1. primacy

    • IPA[ˈprīməsē]


    • n.
      the fact of being primary, preeminent, or more important;the office, period of office, or authority of a primate of certain churches
    • noun: primacy

    • 釋義


    • 1. the fact of being primary, preeminent, or more important the primacy of air power in the modern war
    • 2. the office, period of office, or authority of a primate of certain churches the first years of his primacy were tranquil
    • 3. the fact of an item having been presented earlier to the subject (especially as increasing its likelihood of being remembered) the primacy effect is thought to reflect recall from a long-term memory store
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈprʌɪməsi]


    • n.
      the fact of being pre-eminent or most important: London's primacy as a financial centre

    Oxford Dictionary