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  1. radiosurgery

    • IPA[ˌrādēōˈsərj(ə)rē]


    • n.
      a form of radiotherapy in which a high dose of radiation is delivered to a very small, precisely selected area
    • noun: radiosurgery

    • 釋義


    • 1. a form of radiotherapy in which a high dose of radiation is delivered to a very small, precisely selected area a non-invasive procedure called stereotactic radiosurgery is the state of the art in radiation therapy, particularly for brain tumors
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    • IPA[ˌreɪdɪəʊˈsəːdʒ(ə)ri]


    • n.
      a form of radiotherapy in which a high dose of radiation is delivered to a very small, ... a non-invasive procedure called stereotactic radiosurgery is the state of the art in radiation therapy, particularly for brain tumours

    Oxford Dictionary