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  1. subsidiary

    • IPA[səbˈsidēˌerē]


    • adj.
      less important than but related or supplementary to something;(of a company) controlled by a holding or parent company
    • n.
      a company controlled by a holding company;a thing that is of lesser importance than but related to something else
    • noun: subsidiary, plural noun: subsidiaries

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. less important than but related or supplementary to something many environmentalists argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment
    • (of a company) controlled by a holding or parent company all the firm's subsidiary companies have to operate under broad general guidelines


    • 1. a company controlled by a holding company the firm's Spanish subsidiary
    • a thing that is of lesser importance than but related to something else Mozart follows his first theme by a crowd of subsidiaries
    • n.
      (in the UK except Scotland) a GCE examination at a level between GCSE and advanced level.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[səbˈsɪdɪəri]


    • adj.
      less important than but related or supplementary to something: a subsidiary flue of the main chimney many argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment
    • n.
      a company controlled by a holding company: a subsidiary of Cable and Wireless the firm's Spanish subsidiary

    Oxford Dictionary