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  1. twinge

    • IPA[twɪn(d)ʒ]


    • n.
      a sudden, sharp localized pain;a brief experience of an emotion, typically an unpleasant one
    • v.
      (of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain
    • verb: twinge, 3rd person present: twinges, gerund or present participle: twingeing, past tense: twinged, past participle: twinged

    • noun: twinge, plural noun: twinges

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    • 1. (of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain stop the exercises if the tummy twinges
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    • IPA[twinj]


    • n.
      a sudden, sharp localized pain: he felt a twinge in his knee
    • v.
      (of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain: the ankle still twinged, but the pain was slight

    Oxford American Dictionary