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    tread ... under foot

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      礙手礙腳; 討厭 The children are under my feet all day. 孩子們整天煩我。
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      阻礙著某人 If that man gets under my feet again, I'll kick him. 那人要再來阻礙我, 我就不客氣了。
    • ph.
      阻礙著某人 If that man gets under my feet again, I'll kick him. 那人要再來阻礙我,我就不客氣了。
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      浪費時間 I want this work done quickly, so don't let the grass grow under your feet! 趕緊辦完這件事, 別浪費時間了!
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      【口】突然停止對某人的援助或支持 His mother pulled the carpet from under his feet by announcing that she was selling the house. 他母親說要把那所房子賣了, 他頓時感到失去了依靠。
    • ph.
      先發制人地挫敗某人的計劃 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長, 但我們先發制人, 說亨利才是最好的隊員。
    • ph.
      先發制人地挫敗某人的計畫 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長,但我們先發制人,說亨利才是最好的隊員。
    • ph.
      先發制人地挫敗某人的計畫 Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the ground from under his feet by saying that Henry was the best palyer on the team. 保羅想當隊長,但我們先發制人,說亨利才是最好的隊員。
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