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    second thoughts

    • ph.
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    • ph.
      再思之後 But on second thoughts I made up my mind to travel without too much cash. 但是經過考慮我下決心不帶太多現金。 We meant to climb the mountain, but on second thought, decided that it was too dangerous. 我們原來想登山, 但是仔細一想, 認為那太危險了。
    • ph.
      進一步考慮後 He had intended to go, but on second thoughts, he gave up the idea. 他本來想去,但進一步考慮後,打消了這個念頭。
    • ph.
      進一步考慮後 He had intended to go, but on second thoughts, he gave up the idea. 他本來想去,但進一步考慮後,打消了這個念頭。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      再思而後行 Don't make the decision in haste; second thoughts are best. 別那麼快就下結論, 三思而後行。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      三思,重新考慮 I have second thoughts about marrying him after I discovered that he had other girlfriends. 自從我發現他還有其他女友之後,我對於與他結婚就重新考慮。
    • ph.
      三思,重新考慮 I have second thoughts about marrying him after I discovered that he had other girlfriends. 自從我發現他還有其他女友之後,我對於與他結婚就重新考慮。
    • ph.
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