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  1. unfocus

    • IPA[ˌənˈfōkəs]


    • v.
      make or become blurred or unable to see clearly;cause to lose concentration or attention
    • verb: unfocus, 3rd person present: unfocuses, gerund or present participle: unfocusing, past tense: unfocused, past participle: unfocused

    • 釋義


    • 1. make or become blurred or unable to see clearly I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes my vision unfocused and I held on to the table for fear of falling off my chair
    • 2. cause to lose concentration or attention it might unfocus the jury and distract it
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    • IPA[ʌnˈfəʊkəs]


    • v.
      make or become blurred or unable to see clearly: I found it helpful to slightly unfocus my eyes my vision unfocused and I held on to the table for fear of falling off my chair

    Oxford Dictionary