- KK[ˋæktəvɪst]
- DJ[ˋæktivist]
- 激進主義分子,行動主義者
- 相關詞
- 民主激進分子;民主活動家 As a democracy activist, he often voices his protests on the street. 作為一位民主激進分子,他經常上街頭抗議。
- 民主激進分子;民主活動家 As a democracy activist, he often voices his protests on the street. 作為一位民主激進分子,他經常上街頭抗議。
- 生態活動家;生態激進主義者
- 極端動物保護主義者
- 反墮胎激進分子 As a senator, you cannot overlook the demonstration of the anti-abortion activists. 作為一個參議員,你不能忽視反墮胎激進分子的抗議。
- 反墮胎激進分子 As a senator, you cannot overlook the demonstration of the anti-abortion activists. 作為一個參議員,你不能忽視反墮胎激進分子的抗議。
- 人權活動家