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  1. MCL


    • abbr.
      = Marine Corps League 海軍陸戰隊聯盟
    • 相關詞
    • n.
      = medial collateral ligament sprain 【醫】膝蓋內側副韌帶扭傷 Despite his MCL sprain, he still wants to suit up, but the coach placed him on the disabled list. 他雖然膝蓋內側副韌帶扭傷,但還是想出賽。教練把他放在傷兵名單上。
    • n.
      = medial collateral ligament sprain 【醫】膝蓋內側副韌帶扭傷 Despite his MCL sprain, he still wants to suit up, but the coach placed him on the disabled list. 他雖然膝蓋內側副韌帶扭傷,但還是想出賽。教練把他放在傷兵名單上。