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  1. prepend

    • IPA[ˌprēˈpend]


    • v.
      add (something) to the beginning of something else;attach (a piece of data) to the beginning of another
    • verb: prepend, 3rd person present: prepends, gerund or present participle: prepending, past tense: prepended, past participle: prepended

    • 釋義


    • 1. add (something) to the beginning of something else you forgot to prepend ‘I personally believe’ to the statements you are making
    • attach (a piece of data) to the beginning of another in this case, you must prepend the server name to the database name, separated by a period
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[priːˈpɛnd]


    • v.
      add (something) to the beginning of something else: you forgot to prepend ‘I personally believe’ to the statements you are making

    Oxford Dictionary