put someone out of one's misery
- 結束某人的痛苦;把某人從痛苦中解放出來
- 釋義
- 1. 結束某人的痛苦;把某人從痛苦中解放出來 This cat has kidney failure and its days are numbered. You should put it out of its misery. 這隻貓有腎臟病,活不了多久了。你應該及早結束它的痛苦。
- 更多解釋
- 結束某人的痛苦;把某人從痛苦中解放出來 This cat has kidney failure and its days are numbered. You should put it out of its misery. 這隻貓有腎臟病,活不了多久了。你應該及早結束它的痛苦。