send up
- 發射;【英】【口】取笑(尤指用滑稽的模仿方式)
- 釋義
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- 相關詞
- 1. 發射 They have sent up several spaceships this year. 今年他們已經發射了幾艘太空船。
- 2. 【英】【口】取笑(尤指用滑稽的模仿方式) comedians who send up members of the government 用滑稽模仿動作取笑政府官員的喜劇演員 Bill is constantly being sent up by his children. 比爾經常遭自己孩子耍笑。
- = sendup
- 諷刺,開玩笑性質的模仿
- 【美】【口】把某人關進監獄
- 使...大怒 You're sending him up the wall. 你把他給氣壞了。
- 使……大怒 You're sending him up the wall. 你把他給氣壞了。
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