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  1. voodoo doll

    • n.
      a small model in the likeness of a particular person, said to be used in spells in which injury done to the model is suffered by the person it represents
    • noun: voodoo doll, plural noun: voodoo dolls

    • 釋義


    • 1. a small model in the likeness of a particular person, said to be used in spells in which injury done to the model is suffered by the person it represents he felt as if someone had a voodoo doll of him and was sticking pins into it
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a small model in the likeness of a particular person, said to be used in spells in which injury ... he felt as if someone had a voodoo doll of him and was sticking pins into it

    Oxford American Dictionary