wear off
- 磨損; 磨去; 擦掉;漸漸減少, 逐漸消失; 消逝
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 磨損; 磨去; 擦掉 These rough roads soon wear the tread of motor tyres off. 這些崎嶇不平的路很快就把輪胎的胎面磨平。 Don't polish those badges, the gilt will wear off if you do. 不要擦那些徽章, 否則光輝就會給磨掉的。
- 2. 漸漸減少, 逐漸消失; 消逝 His displeasure wore off. 他的不愉快的心情逐漸地消失了。 The effects of the drug began to wear off. 藥效開始消失了。
- 更多解釋
- 逐漸消逝;逐漸失效 As it has been several years since the capital punishment was enforced, its deterrent effect is wearing off. 由於已經好幾年沒有執行死刑了,它的恐嚇作用正逐漸消失。 The pain is wearing off. 疼痛漸漸消失了。
- 逐漸消逝;逐漸失效 As it has been several years since the capital punishment was enforced, its deterrent effect is wearing off. 由於已經好幾年沒有執行死刑了,它的恐嚇作用正逐漸消失。 The pain is wearing off. 疼痛漸漸消失了。
- 逐漸消失 the effect of the anaesthetic was beginning to wear off 麻醉劑的藥效開始逐漸減退
- 磨去
- 磨掉,逐漸減弱,消失