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  1. zombie bank

    • ph.
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    • 1. 殭屍銀行;傀儡銀行(指負債大於資產而無法提供貸款,但由於政府支持而繼續營運的銀行) Owing to the great number of bad loans, that bank has turned itself into a zombie bank, and is forbidden to lend out any more money. 由於有太多的不良貸款,那家銀行已成了僵屍銀行,已被禁止再做貸款業務。
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    • ph.
      殭屍銀行;傀儡銀行(指負債大於資產而無法提供貸款,但由於政府支持而繼續營運的銀行) Owing to the great number of bad loans, that bank has turned itself into a zombie bank, and is forbidden to lend out any more money. 由於有太多的不良貸款,那家銀行已成了僵屍銀行,已被禁止再做貸款業務。