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  1. be on

    • ph.
      【口】行得通的; 對頭的; 認可的
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    • 1. 【口】行得通的; 對頭的; 認可的 That just isn't on. 那樣不行。 You are on! 我接受(你的建議、賭注等)!。
    • ph.
      (指人)老, 變老 Grandma is getting on a bit and doesn't go out as much as she used to. 奶奶年事日高, 不像從前那樣常出門了。
    • ph.
      精通 The speaker is great on international affairs. 作報告的人對國際事務非常熟悉。
    • ph.
      焦慮不安 I was sitting on thorns while he spoke. 當他說話時, 我焦慮不安。
    • ph.
      【口】對某人/某事物產生良好印象; 非常喜歡某人/某事物 He's very much struck on his new girl-friend. 他非常喜歡這個新交的女朋友。
    • ph.
      舉行罷工 All the men at the Foundry are to be on strike next Wednesday. 鑄工廠全體工人定於下星期三舉行罷工。 The coalminers have been out on strike for several weeks now. 煤礦工人已罷工了幾個星期。
    • ph.
      使...不愉快或倒霉 It's rather rough on her, having to live in a caravan. 她很倒霉, 不得不住在蓬車裡。
    • ph.
      【俚】恰到好處 Her criticisms were bang on every time. 她的批評每次都非常中肯。 Your budget figures were bang on this year. 你今年的預算數字十分準確。
    • ph.
      (尤指醫生)隨叫隨到 Who is on call tonight? 今晚誰值班?
    • ph.
      緊張不安的; 興奮的; 易怒的; 煩躁的 She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe. 她聽到他安然無恙才放下心來。
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