- KK[ˋsɝvɪs]
- DJ[ˋsə:vis]
- 服務;效勞;幫助[U][P1];招待,服侍;服務態度[U]
- 為……服務;檢修,維修,保養
過去式:serviced 過去分詞:serviced 現在分詞:servicing
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 服務;效勞;幫助[U][P1] He died in the service of his country. 他為國捐軀。
- 2. 招待,服侍;服務態度[U] That hotel is noted for its fine service. 那家旅館以服務優良著稱。
- 3. 公共設施;公用事業[C][U] There is a good bus service into the city. 往市內的公車十分方便。
- 4. 服務業[P1]
- 5. 軍種;服役;勤務[P1][U]
- 6. 宗教儀式;禮拜式[C]
- 7. 行政部門[S1]
- 8. 售後服務;維修,保養[C][U] In a way good service sells our products. 良好的售後服務在某種程度上促進了我們產品的銷路。
- 9. 發球;發球方式[C]
- 10. 整套餐具[C]
- 11. 【律】(傳票等的)送達[U]
- 12. 幫佣[U]
- 1. 為……服務
- 2. 檢修,維修,保養 We have the machines serviced regularly. 我們請人定期維修機器。
- 3. 支付(債務的)利息
n. 幫助,支持,促進
- assistance
- , help
- , aid
- , good turn
- , favor
- , a hand
- , promotion
- , advancement
- , support
- , backing
- , use
- , benefit
n. 制度,機構,團體,組織
n. 服侍
n. 工作,機能,位置
n. 軍隊,海軍,陸軍,空軍
- service的名詞複數
- service的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- 在軍隊中服役 He saw service as an infantry officer in the last war. 他在上次戰爭中當過步兵軍官。 He has seen service in many different parts of the world. 他當兵到過世界各地。
- 公職 She retired from government service when she was sixty-five. 她六十五歲時從公職退休下來。
- 有用, 有好處 He was of great service to you. 他對你大有幫助。 Can I be of service to you? 我能幫你什麼忙嗎?
- (罪犯為避免蹲監獄而從事的)社區服務性勞役 Because he was guilty of a misdemeanor, the judge sentenced him to 60 hours of community service instead of going to jail. 因為他只是行為不檢,法官判他做60小時的社區服務而不必坐牢。
- 以公共福利為目的之組織
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