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  1. PyDict

    by leap and bounds

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      非常迅速地 The production is increasing by leaps and bounds. 生產正在極其迅速地增長。 Her health is improving by leaps and bounds. 她的健康迅速好轉。
    • ph.
      非常迅速地;連蹦帶跳地;突飛猛進地 Your English proficiency is making progress by leaps and bounds. Congratulations! 你的英文程度進步神速。恭喜你! The production is increasing by leaps and bounds. 生產正在極其迅速地增長。
    • ph.
      非常迅速地;連蹦帶跳地;突飛猛進地 Your English proficiency is making progress by leaps and bounds. Congratulations! 你的英文程度進步神速。恭喜你! The production is increasing by leaps and bounds. 生產正在極其迅速地增長。
    • ph.
