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  1. come home to

    • ph.
      被完全領會, 被清楚地理解
    • 釋義
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    • 1. 被完全領會, 被清楚地理解 At last the real difficulty came home to us. 最終我們完全懂得了真正的困難。
    • ph.
      報應, 得到回報, 自食惡果 Don't persuade her; she will come home to roost. 別勸她了, 她會得到報應的。 His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. 他對女兒的刻薄得到了惡報。
    • ph.
      為某人所了解 At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents. 我終於懂得父母給我的恩惠是多麼大。
    • ph.
      得到惡報 His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. 他對女兒的刻薄得到了惡報。
    • ph.
      為某人了解 At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents. 我終於懂得父母給我的恩惠是多麼大。
    • ph.
      得到惡報 His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. 他對女兒的刻薄得到了惡報。
    • ph.
      為某人了解 At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents. 我終於懂得父母給我的恩惠是多麼大。
    • 更多解釋


    • ph.
      被完全領會 At last the real difficulty came home to us. 最終我們完全懂得了真正的困難。


    • ph.
      被完全領會 At last the real difficulty came home to us. 最終我們完全懂得了真正的困難。