Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. come to sth.

    • ph.
      因計為某數; 等於某數;(尤以this, that或what作受詞時與之連用)達到某種(通常為壞的)情況或狀態
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 因計為某數; 等於某數 The bill came to 30 pounds. 帳款因計30英鎊。 I never expected those few items to come to so much. 我絕想不到就那麼幾項合計起來竟要這麼多錢。
    • 2. (尤以this, that或what作受詞時與之連用)達到某種(通常為壞的)情況或狀態 The doctors will operate if it proves necessary -- but it may not come to that. 醫生認為必要時便動手術--但可能不致如此。 There's been another terrorist bomb attack. Really? I don't know what the world is coming to. “又發生一次恐怖分子炸彈爆炸事件。” “真的嗎?不知道這個世界要變成什麼樣子了。”
    • ph.
      下垂到(某一點) Her hair comes down to her waist. 她的頭髮垂到腰部。
    • ph.
      改變立場或意見等 She will never come over to our side. 她決不會站到我們這邊來。
    • ph.
      使自己順從某事物; 設法忍受某事物 come to terms with her handicap 安於她自己的困難處境 You'll just have to come to terms with the fact that... 你不得不接受的現實情況是...。
    • ph.
      (為某事)打起來 We almost came to blows over what colour our new carpet should be. 我們為了用甚麼顏色的新地毯險些打了起來。
    • ph.
      某事物(如消息或閑話)傳到某人耳朵裡 If this news ever comes to her ears, she'll be furious. 這個消息萬一傳到她的耳朵裡, 她一定得大發雷霆。
    • ph.
