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  1. crash-test

    • IPA[ˈkraSHˌtest]


    • v.
      deliberately crash (a new vehicle) under controlled conditions in order to evaluate and improve its ability to withstand impact
    • n.
      an instance of crash-testing a vehicle.
    • verb: crash-test, 3rd person present: crash-tests, gerund or present participle: crash-testing, past tense: crash-tested, past participle: crash-tested

    • noun: crash test, plural noun: crash tests

    • 釋義


    • 1. deliberately crash (a new vehicle) under controlled conditions in order to evaluate and improve its ability to withstand impact countless prototypes were crash-tested and special shock-absorbing crumple zones were developed


    • 1. an instance of crash-testing a vehicle.
    • 更多解釋


    • v.
      deliberately crash (a new vehicle) under controlled conditions in order to evaluate and improve ... countless prototypes were crash-tested and special shock-absorbing crumple zones were developed
    • n.
      an instance of crash-testing a vehicle.

    Oxford Dictionary