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  1. in short

    • ph.
      總而言之, 簡而言之
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    • 1. 總而言之, 簡而言之 In short, we must be prepared. 總而言之, 我們要有準備。 I was packing, cleaning the house, and saying countless good-byes, in short, it was a hectic week. 我在整理行裝, 清掃屋子, 沒完沒了地跟人告別; 總之, 這是亂哄哄的一週。


    總而言之, 簡而言之

    • ph.
      未成年 I've known him since he was in short pants. 我從他小時候就認識他。
    • ph.
      迅速而直截了當地 When the children are naughty she deals with them in very short order: they're sent straight to bed. 孩子們一淘氣她有個乾脆的辦法: 馬上打發他們上床睡覺。 Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order. 聚會進行到一半, 我太太發病了, 我們只好趕緊離開。
    • ph.
      稀少的 Food and water were in short supply because of the earthquake. 因為地震食物和水短缺。
    • ph.
      供應不足,缺乏的 Eggs are in short supply now. 現在雞蛋缺貨。
    • ph.
      迅速地 Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order. 聚會進行到一半,我太太發病了,我們只好趕緊離開。
    • ph.
      迅速地 Halfway through the party my wife became ill and we had to leave in short order. 聚會進行到一半,我太太發病了,我們只好趕緊離開。
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    • ph.
      總之 In short, we must be prepared. 總之我們要有準備。


    • ph.
      總之 In short, we must be prepared. 總之我們要有準備。
    • ph.
