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  1. re-engineer

    • IPA[rēˌenjəˈnir]


    • v.
      redesign (a device or machine);restructure (a company or part of its operations), especially by exploiting information technology
    • verb: re-engineer, 3rd person present: re-engineers, gerund or present participle: re-engineering, past tense: re-engineered, past participle: re-engineered

    • 釋義


    • 1. redesign (a device or machine) they have re-engineered the devices to produce wider applications the extensive re-engineering required has added about six months to the car's development time
    • restructure (a company or part of its operations), especially by exploiting information technology companies will continue to reengineer processes and embrace technology
    • 更多解釋
    • v.
      redesign (a device or machine): they have re-engineered the devices to produce wider applications the extensive re-engineering required has added about six months to the car's development time

    Oxford Dictionary