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  1. red pill

    • n.
      used to refer to a process by which a person's perspective is dramatically transformed, introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation
    • v.
      cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation
    • verb: red-pill, 3rd person present: red-pills, gerund or present participle: red-pilling, past tense: red-pilled, past participle: red-pilling

    • noun: red pill, plural noun: red pills

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    • 1. used to refer to a process by which a person's perspective is dramatically transformed, introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation I had no real idea what horrors these animals suffered before getting to my plate. Then I took the red pill, and now I can never go back they encourage men to take the red pill and undergo a complete transformation in how they view women


    • 1. cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation they are talking about conspiracy theories and claim they have been red-pilled to men's rights activists, being red-pilled means throwing off the yoke of popular feminism
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    • n.
      used to refer to a process by which a person's perspective is dramatically transformed, ... I had no real idea what horrors these animals suffered before getting to my plate. Then I took the red pill, and now I can never go back they encourage men to take the red pill and undergo a complete transformation in how they view women
    • v.
      cause (someone) to have their perspective dramatically transformed, especially by introducing ... they are talking about conspiracy theories and claim they have been red-pilled to men's rights activists, being red-pilled means throwing off the yoke of popular feminism

    Oxford Dictionary