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  1. scent mark

    • IPA[ˈsent ˌmärk]


    • n.
      an odoriferous substance containing a pheromone that is deposited by a mammal from a scent gland or in the urine or feces, typically on prominent objects in an area
    • v.
      (of a mammal) deposit a scent mark
    • verb: scent-mark, 3rd person present: scent-marks, gerund or present participle: scent-marking, past tense: scent-marked, past participle: scent-marked

    • noun: scent mark, plural noun: scent marks

    • 釋義


    • 1. an odoriferous substance containing a pheromone that is deposited by a mammal from a scent gland or in the urine or feces, typically on prominent objects in an area the tiger was spraying trees and bushes with its scent mark dogs stop and leave their scent markings


    • 1. (of a mammal) deposit a scent mark ring-tailed lemurs scent-mark with secretions of the forearm glands most scent-marking was performed on branches and lianas
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    • IPA[ˈsɛnt mɑːk]


    • n.
      an odorous substance containing a pheromone that is deposited by a mammal from a scent gland or ... the tiger was spraying trees and bushes with its scent mark dogs stop and leave their scent markings
    • v.
      (of a mammal) deposit a scent mark: ring-tailed lemurs scent-mark with secretions of the forearm glands most scent-marking was performed on branches and lianas

    Oxford Dictionary