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  1. social distance

    • IPA[ˌsōSH(ə)l ˈdist(ə)ns]


    • n.
      physical distance maintained between individuals in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease;the physical distance typically maintained between individuals in social contexts
    • v.
      limit physical closeness and contact with other people, especially in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease
    • noun: social distance

    • 釋義


    • 1. physical distance maintained between individuals in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease we paid attention to public health messages on social distance, hand washing, and face covering people coughing or sneezing should stay indoors or keep a social distance
    • the physical distance typically maintained between individuals in social contexts in elevators, social distance is reduced
    • 2. the perceived or desired degree of remoteness between a member of one social group and the members of another, as evidenced in the level of intimacy tolerated between them material differences provided members with a constant stimulus for social distance


    • 1. limit physical closeness and contact with other people, especially in order to avoid catching or transmitting an infectious disease she wore a mask and kept herself six feet apart from others in order to social distance
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      physical distance maintained between individuals in order to avoid catching or transmitting an ... we paid attention to public health messages on social distance, hand washing, and face covering people coughing or sneezing should stay indoors or keep a social distance
    • v.
      limit physical closeness and contact with other people, especially in order to avoid catching ... she wore a mask and kept herself six feet apart from others in order to social distance

    Oxford Dictionary